Reproductive Health Center, Tucson, Arizona


Do women make new eggs?


Do women make new eggs? – fertility clinic in Arizona The process of science is a continual process of discovery. As new research studies are done, old assumptions are questioned. For years, the belief in mainstream fertility science has been that women don't make any new eggs during adulthood, but rather are born with all [...]

Do women make new eggs?2021-06-11T16:56:35-07:00

Eggs, embryos and blastocysts


We spend a lot of time in our office talking to patients about quality of eggs, embryos and blastocysts. Patients want to know if their eggs are the "right size" or "big enough"; if their fertilized eggs "look good" and if the blastocysts are "good quality". This post is to provide some insight into the [...]

Eggs, embryos and blastocysts2021-06-11T21:46:47-07:00
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