Reproductive Health Center, Tucson, Arizona

Impact of stress in pregnancy

Stress Can Affect Your Chances for Pregnancy in Tucson


Life today is hectic. There’s so much go-go-go that we forget to slow down from time to time. From a busy work day to rushing around for after work events – all the while trying to maintain a clean house and keep up with social media (and all the new posts of people having babies, [...]

Stress Can Affect Your Chances for Pregnancy in Tucson2016-02-13T09:04:05-07:00

Stress and Conception


If you’ve told anyone that you’re trying to conceive, then you’ve definitely heard well-meaning advice about stress. “You’re trying too hard,” your friend says, “and if you just relax, that’s when it will happen.” You might have felt frustrated, or felt like your friend had no compassion. Can’t your friend see that you’re suffering, and [...]

Stress and Conception2021-06-11T21:41:01-07:00
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