Seeking Fertility Treatment:
There are many reasons to seek out the advice of a trusted fertility specialist. Some of these include:
- Trying to conceive for more than one year
- Known reproductive issues
- Women over 40 wishing to conceive
- PCOS diagnosis
- Endometriosis diagnosis
- Uterine fibroid diagnosis
- POI (Primary Ovarian Insufficiency)
- Cancer diagnosis
- Thyroid condition
- LGBTQ+ family building
- Family balancing
- Interest in egg freezing
- Male testing
If you believe you can benefit from meeting with our qualified team, we can help you take the first steps to find the answers you are searching for.
Contact us today at (520) 214-2780 to schedule an appointment or complete an appointment request here. No referral is needed for us to meet with you, and most in-person meetings can take place within 4-6 weeks.
Getting Started on Your Fertility Journey: First Steps
The path to fertility can be emotionally and physically daunting. We work with you to understand your personal health history and determine which approach is best suited to your individual needs. Before we can determine which method will be most successful for you, a few simple steps need to be taken.
Step One: Patient health history
Before you meet with our specialists, we will ask you to complete a patient health history form, which you can submit to us via email, fax, mail, or drop-off in person. You will then meet with Dr. Hutchison for a 45-minute Telehealth appointment before coming into our office.
Step Two: In-person consultation and initial exam
During your first in-person office visit, you will meet Dr. Hutchison in person. Your height and weight and blood pressure will be taken, Dr. Hutchison will do a physical exam and pelvic ultrasound. You will have cultures taken of the cervix and you may have blood work done on this day as well. These tests help guide Dr. Hutchison to determine your next course of action.
Step Three: Additional Evaluation
This is the time for the semen analysis in the male partner. For women, a test called a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) will be recommended. The HSG is done by instilling contrast dye, by way of cervical catheter, into the uterus and to watch the spill of this dye out through the fallopian tubes. The HSG gives Dr. Hutchison information about the architecture of the uterus and whether or not the fallopian tubes are open.
Step Four: Planning your journey
After we have the testing results, we will discuss with you a plan for your fertility journey. It may include dietary modifications, supplements that assist with fertility, surgery, cycle monitoring, pill form fertility medications, injectable medications, intrauterine insemination or IVF. Your plan will be tailored to your diagnosis and needs.
Support Throughout Your Fertility Journey:
Our team at Reproductive Health Center is available to answer all questions throughout your fertility journey and to support you every step of the way. We are here to answer your calls during business hours and will also provide an emergency phone line for those undergoing IVF, which is always available.
Keeping You Safe and Comfortable During Treatment:
Your safety is our first concern. We take every precaution to get you to your family goals, safeguarding the health and wellbeing of you, and your prospective child, the entire way.
It is well documented that multiple gestations (twins or more babies in the same pregnancy) can be an adverse outcome of fertility treatment. That’s why our goal is to transfer one healthy embryo to the uterus. To prevent multiple gestations during your fertility treatment in Tucson, we strictly follow the guidelines set forth by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine and the Society of Assisted Reproductive Technology that govern how many embryos should be transferred during IVF.
Here’s why:
- More than 50 percent of twin pregnancies result in premature birth, while 90 percent of triplets and all quadruplets are born prematurely.
- When compared to a single gestation, twin and triplet pregnancies are 7 and 20 times more likely, respectively, to result in death within the first month after birth.
- More than 25 percent of babies weighing less than 2 lbs., 3 oz. have lifelong disabilities.
Your comfort and safety during fertility treatments are very important to us, so injectable fertility treatment drugs are administered just under your skin using very small needles. Even with proper monitoring, these medications can sometimes have slightly adverse effects, so we use the least amount of medication possible to give you the best chance of conception while accounting for your comfort and safety when undergoing fertility treatments in Tucson. While you are taking fertility medications, we will monitor you carefully. If you show any signs of over-response, we will quickly adjust your treatment accordingly.