Tubal Ligation Reversal or In Vitro Fertilization?
If you have had a tubal ligation and have decided that your family is not complete, what are your options for conceiving a child again? Tubal ligation reversal or In [...]
Diet and Fertility Event
As you all know, we really encourage our patients to eat a healthy diet. We are amazed by the success some of our patients who are following our recommendations have [...]
Eggs, embryos and blastocysts
We spend a lot of time in our office talking to patients about quality of eggs, embryos and blastocysts. Patients want to know if their eggs are the "right size" [...]
What Can I Eat? Join us for Lunch and a Class
Join Us for Lunch! Friday April 30, 2010 from 12 to 1 pm Hana Feeney, MS, RD, CSSD, Nutrition and Food Coach will hold a class that will teach patients [...]
Pro-Family and Pro-Research? It’s possible!
Regarding bills in the Arizona Legislature: Senate Bills 1306 and 1307, House Bills 2651 and 2652 At the Reproductive Health Center we are definitely Pro-Family, our mission is to build [...]