Let’s Talk Turkey
Halloween is upon us and that means the rush to the Holiday Season is here. As soon as the costumes and candy corns clear the shelves this weekend, Christmas and Hanukkah will be in full force in the stores. If you have been a regular around the Reproductive Health Center, you know that being mindful about what you eat and reducing stress play a critical role in conception and a healthy pregnancy. So, before you scream, cry and run for the closet, I want to help you cope with “the most wonderful” time of the year.
Let’s talk Turkey. The pilgrims were stressed out, underfed and desperate for company. But let’s face, it the first Thanksgiving was not about gluttony, excess or laying around watching football it was about being thankful to survive the first year in the new world!
To avoid an insulin overload and decrease in fertility, here are my suggestions for a healthy, reduced stress and fertile Thanksgiving:
1. Don’t offer to have the Thanksgiving dinner at your house. Offer to bring the veggie tray and hummus to the host house (hey, they don’t need the calories either!). Pick the place with the fewest pregnant women attending.
2. Eat a good breakfast with protein. Have a snack around 10:30 am or so of nuts and veggies and sparkling water. If the dinner is mid-afternoon, then have another low calorie snack at lunch time. Drink water and stay hydrated. This will help avoid the insulin rush and inflammation that comes with it and will keep you from over eating.
3. At the dinner, fill your plate as follows: half of the plate should be veggies (no, not the green bean casserole with fried onions and mushroom soup or the sweet potatoes and marshmallows). A quarter of the plate should be turkey, an eighth potatoes with gravy and taste portions of cranberries (unless unsweetened) and stuffing. Remember alcohol consumption is not recommended with attempts at conception (plus, not imbibing will keep you from telling off your promiscuous 3rd cousin who has 3 different baby fathers).
4. Dessert? A small slice of pumpkin pie with whipped cream, leave some crust please…..and enjoy it, eat slowly!
5. Now, since you don’t feel like a piggy pig, GO TAKE A WALK. This will reduce your stress and help you to avoid the inappropriate relative who asks the question: “When are you having babies dear?”
6. Take home only the leftovers of turkey and veggies (they are great for snacks later).
7. Give thanks for your health and the fact that you are with a partner who wants to have a baby with you! Have an intimate moment and enjoy the only true American Holiday, you will survive the winter!
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