Reproductive Health Center, Tucson, Arizona

Power Breakfast with Hana Feeney Recap

Last night we had a great time talking about creative breakfast ideas and tasting a new breakfast concept-Summertime Oatmeal.

Here’s what you missed if you didn’t make it to Fertility Foods:

Research clearly demonstrates that 1) Eating breakfast and 2) Including protein or fat at breakfast helps to enhance your energy and concentration and reduce cravings throughout the day.

  • To ensure that you eat a mix of nutrients that will sustain your energy and focus all day long combine veggies, fruit, a high fiber carb-rich food and health promoting fat- or protein-rich foods into your breakfast meal.

We came up with some fun new ideas: Green smoothies, Tofu scrambles, Roasted vegetable scrambles, Black beans with eggs and salsa instead of bread or tortilla, Using cereal as a condiment on top of fruit and Greek yogurt instead of the base of the meal

For more ideas, check out

Be sure to Save the Date for the next Fertility Foods with Nutrition Expert Hana A. Feeney, MS, RD coming up on Wednesday, August 29 at 5:30 pm at the Reproductive Health Center. We will be talking about Energizing Snacks.

Call 733-0083 to register or just sign up at the front desk.



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We are thrilled to announce that we have been welcomed into Advanced Fertility Care’s family of fertility clinics. Advanced Fertility Care is a leading fertility care provider in Arizona and a proud member of the Pinnacle Fertility network.