Reproductive Health Center, Tucson, Arizona



Age and Fertility

July 20th, 2015|Fertility Preservation|

Society often tells women in their 20s that they’re “too young” to have children. Women are often encouraged to wait until they’ve established themselves in their careers to start their [...]

Tracking Your Fertility

June 15th, 2015|Health|

When you’re trying to get pregnant, timing is crucial. A woman’s body only ovulates (produces a ripe egg ready to be fertilized) once each month. Knowing when ovulation occurs can [...]

Stress and Conception

March 23rd, 2015|Pregnancy|

If you’ve told anyone that you’re trying to conceive, then you’ve definitely heard well-meaning advice about stress. “You’re trying too hard,” your friend says, “and if you just relax, that’s [...]

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